DRI's Priscila Rodríguez speaks at UN Side Event on Strategic Litigation to Protect People with Disabilities

Watch the recording of the UN side event "The Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Strategic Litigation" featuring a presentation from Priscila Rodríguez on how DRI's recent work will have a profound impact on litigating the rights of persons with disabilities.

Human Rights Bulletin Protection and Safety of Children with Disabilities in the Residential Institutions of War-Torn Ukraine: The UN Guidelines on Deinstitutionalization and the Role of International Donors

This bulletin considers the situation of children with disabilities in Ukraine, who at the time of the onset of the armed conflict were living in institutional care. DRI investigations have revealed that despite abundant inter- national assistance, the government of Ukraine and international relief agencies have failed to ensure the safety and protect the lives of these children within institutions – or to ensure their safe return to families in the community.

UN CRPD Committee Approves New Guidelines on Deinstitutionalization, including times of emergency.

Dragana Ciric Milovanovic, DRI European Program Director, addressed the UN CRPD Committee on September 9th, on the release of the new UN Guidelines on Deinstitutionalization. Dragana led DRI's collaboration with the CRPD Committee to draft the guidelines, which provide a roadmap to governments, disability activists, and donors about the immediate steps needed to end the practice of institutionalization and residential treatment or care for people with disabilities.

Side event: Lessons learned from Ukraine: Implementing the right to live in the community for children and adults in institutions during a time of war and emergency

United Nations, 15th session of Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Friday, June 17, 2022 10:00-11:15 EST 

Accessibility: CART and Sign Language Interpretation Available
Moderator: Eric Rosenthal, Executive Director, Disability Rights International 

Residential Care Controversy: The Promise of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to Protect All Children

Conflicting interpretations of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) send mixed messages on the safety and legitimacy of residential care, resulting in the replacement of large institutions with smaller ones often called ‘residential care’ or ‘group homes.’ This article demonstrates how the family inclusion mandate of General Comment No. 5 is rooted in the ‘human rights model of disability,’ fundamental to equal protection under the CRPD for all children with actual or perceived disabilities. The article proposes solutions to ensure full implementation of both the CRC and CRPD.

Call to action to protect the right to family life & prevent institutionalization for all children

The signatories to this call to action acknowledge the leadership of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in their efforts to harmonize international human rights standards concerning children deprived of parental care.