Al Jazeera reports on DRI's latest report, A Dead End for Children - Bulgaria's Group Homes.

"The charity – an NGO called Disability Rights International (DRI) – was gathering evidence for a report published this November and its researchers shared their footage with us for this film.

Some of the scenes are deeply distressing. Beyond welcoming interiors, behind a locked door, a man is naked, in isolation. In another centre, they see a barred wooden construction – clearly designed for containment. They’re told it’s used for a young blind boy at night-time, apparently kept there when there aren’t enough staff to ensure his safety.

'We documented cages in institutions 25 years ago,' Eric Rosenthal from DRI told us. 'They’ve gone from being the old wire cage to a nice piece of furniture. It is totally humiliating for any child, put in there precisely because there aren’t the staff.'"

Read the full article here.
