Washington, DC — December 15, 2014– DRI International Amassador Holly Valance recently participated in London’s ICAP Charity Day, where she raised $40,000 for DRI’s mission of promoting the human rights and full participation in society of people with disabilities worldwide. 

Actress and singer Holly Valance has supported DRI and served as our International Ambassador for almost a decade. In 2013, Holly and her husband, Nick Candy, traveled with DRI to Eastern Europe to visit institutions and witness the conditions firsthand. “I’m so proud to be associated with DRI,” says Valance. “Of everything I’ve ever done, from my music to TV and films and awards, this is what really matters to me. It is my greatest achievement.” 

ICAP Charity Day is an annual event where all profits and brokers’ commissions are given to charities supported by celebrities and personalities chosen to participate. Since 1993, ICAP Charity Day has given over $185 million to more than 1,800 causes around the world