Disability Rights International (DRI) has played a leading role in pushing for US ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) through its work with the US International Council on Disabilities (USICD), a coalition of US-based organizations, federal agencies and individuals committed to advocacy and action on behalf of the global disability rights agenda.  "The CRPD is the first international treaty to speak to the special concerns of people with disabilities," says Eric Rosenthal, Executive Director of DRI, "We are proud that the United States is considering joining the international community in standing up for the right of people with disabilities around the world to participate fully in all aspects of life."


1. NEXT CRPD HILL OUTREACH MEETING – JULY 24, 1PM When: Tuesday, July 24th, 1:00PM-2:00PM Where: United Methodist Building Conference Room 4 100 Maryland Avenue, NE Washington, DC 20002 Click here for MAP RSVP & Disability Accommodation requests: Esme Grant [email protected]   

2. MARKUP AND VOTE UPDATE! The CRPD markup and vote in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee has been rescheduled for the ADA Anniversary date: When: Thursday, July 26th at 9:30AM Where: Dirksen Senate Office Building G-50 Make sure to get this information out to your networks – we need the room filled with advocates! Disability accommodations: [email protected]   

3. MESSAGE FOR YOUR NETWORKS ACTION: It is essential that advocates express their support this week and are heard above the inaccurate and false messages of the opposition.  It’s time to let EVERY senator in the United States know that the disability community supports the CRPD! MESSAGE: The message is simple “I am a constituent of your state and I want the Senator to support the CRPD – this is important to the disability community!” CONTACTS: The Capitol Switchboard number is (202) 224-3121.  Ask to be connected to your Senator’s office. Call both Senators! Or, you can find Senator's contact information at this link:  http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm