DRI Litigation Docket 2023 (Public)

DRI conducts litigation at the national and international level to enforce and expand the right of children and adults to live in the community with choices equal to others. Our cases seek immediate protections from neglect, denial of basic care, violence and trafficking and systemic changes in law and policies to address the root causes of segregation and abuse. See DRI's global docket of cases here.

Zaboravljena deca Srbije

Ovaj izveštaj, Zaboravljena deca Srbije, se zasniva na nalazima prikupljenim tokom 2019. godine i informacijama koje su DRI i MDRI-S prikupile do vremena njegovog objavljivanja i odnosi se prevashodno na položaj dece, ukazujući na kršenja ljudskih prava koja nisu razrešena i koja se i dalje dešavaju u institucijama socijalne zaštite. Tokom niza godina, DRI, MDRI-S i brojne druge organizacije su ukazivale Vladi Republike Srbije na veoma loše uslove, zlostavljanje, zanemarivanje i nečovečno postupanje koje je i dalje prisutno u institucijama. Vlada Srbije nije preduzela adekvatne korake niti pozvala počinioce na odgovornost.

Serbia’s Forgotten Children

This report, Forgotten Children of Serbia, is based on findings of investigations conducted from 2019 to the present by DRI and the Mental Disability Rights Initiative of Serbia (MDRI-S) and, focusing especially on children, shows that these human rights concerns have been permitted to continue. The Serbian government has been put on notice about the atrocious conditions, abuse, and torture taking place in its facilities through years of advocacy by DRI, MDRI-S, and other allies and has failed to take action or hold abusers accountable.

From horror to hope….because of you!

Dear Friend of DRI,       

Several years ago, DRI investigated and exposed the horrendous conditions of thousands of poor and disabled children living in institutions in Serbia. So egregious were the abuses, that we called what we had uncovered torture. The United Nations’ top experts agreed with us and DRI led an international campaign to end torture in Serbian orphanages. As a result, Serbia banned new placements in orphanages, supporting families instead.

DRI’s Serbia affiliate releases human rights report: The Hidden and Forgotten

Washington, DC -- May 6, 2013 -- Last week, DRI's affiliate in Serbia, the Mental Disability Rights Initiative of Serbia (MDRI-S), released the English version of The Hidden and Forgotten, a human rights report exposing the abuses inside Serbia's institutions for children and adults with disabilities. Click here to read the report.

Historic Victory against Segregation in Serbia

Belgrade, Serbia--July 28, 2011-- Disability Rights International's partner in Serbia, Mental Disability Rights Initiative (MDRI-S), supported by a wide network of human rights and disability groups, succeeded this week in pressuring the European Union to back down from funding the reconstruction of six institutions for people with disabilities in Serbia.  The €5.1 million ($7.3 million USD) project has now been redrafted to support the creation of community services that allow children and adults to leave institutions and live in the community

Torment Not Treatment: Serbia’s Segregation and Abuse of Children and Adults with Disabilities

From July 2003 to August 2007, MDRI has documented a broad array of human rights violations against people with disabilities, segregated from society and forced to live out their lives in institutions (all observations in this report are from December 2006 through August 2007 except as noted). Filthy conditions, contagious diseases, lack of medical care and rehabilitation, and a failure to provide oversight renders placement in a Serbian institution life-threatening.

Not on the Agenda: Human Rights of People with Mental Disabilities in Kosovo

This report documents the treatment of people with mental disabilities in internationally funded public mental health and social services in Kosovo. The report relies on international human rights conventions to which the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) and local government authorities in Kosovo have binding obligations, with particular reference to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR).