DRI Litigation Docket 2023 (Public)

DRI conducts litigation at the national and international level to enforce and expand the right of children and adults to live in the community with choices equal to others. Our cases seek immediate protections from neglect, denial of basic care, violence and trafficking and systemic changes in law and policies to address the root causes of segregation and abuse. See DRI's global docket of cases here.

New Report: Left Behind in the War: Dangers Facing Children with Disabilities in Ukraine's Orphanages

In late April 2022, Disability Rights International (DRI) brought a team of people with disabilities and family activists, including medical and disability service experts, to visit Ukraine’s institutions for children with disabilities. DRI finds that Ukraine’s children with disabilities with the greatest support needs are living in atrocious conditions – entirely overlooked by major international relief agencies and receiving little support from abroad.

Still at Risk - Death and Disappearance of Survivors of the Fire at Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción

On March 7, 2017, a group of girls, boys and teenagers protested the physical and sexual abuse, rape and trafficking that they were subjected to at the institution Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asuncion (Virgen de la Asuncion), in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Virgen de la Asuncion was a public institution where up to 800 children were detained prior to these protests. The authorities of Virgen de la Asuncion called on the National Police to repress the protests. As a punishment, the girls who had protested were beaten and locked up in a tiny auditorium with a capacity for 26 people standing, without a bathroom and access to water, where they were left to spend the night.

Crimes Against Humanity: Decades of Violence and Abuse in Mexican Institutions for Children and Adults with Disabilities

Children and adults with disabilities throughout Mexico are confined to institutions, segregated from society, and exposed to these dangers – because of the country’s failure to create social supports that would allow people to lead a full life in the community. Mexico’s law strips people with disabilities of the right to make decisions about their own lives – leaving them unable to file complaints or demand accountability when they are abused.

Webinar October 26, 2020 - Crimes Against Humanity in Mexico

Join Disability Rights International at 1 PM EST on October 26 for a live event to launch our newest report, Crimes Against Humanity: Decades of Violence and Abuse in Mexican Institutions for Children and Adults with Disabilities, detailing the grave human rights violations which children and adults with disabilities are subjected to in Mexico's institutions, orphanages, group homes and other congregate care settings throughout the country.

DRI releases report on Kenya - infanticide and abuse

Nairobi, Kenya - September 27, 2018 - Disability Rights International (DRI) released a report today documenting the intense pressure that Kenyan parents face - to murder their own children - if they are born with a disability. Children with disabilities are considered cursed or possessed. And throughout Kenya many believe that having such a child is punishment for the sins of the mother.