DRI’s work and media campaigns have exposed to the world the horrors these children face. The New York Times, The Guardian, The Washington Post, Huffington Post, BBC, Al Jazeera, CNN, social media, ABC, NPR, NBC, news and documentaries – just to name a few - have continually covered DRI’s work, including DRI’s opinion and editorial pieces, resulting in uninterrupted pressure on those who have the power to assist in making change.

DRI finds children and adults with disabilities disappeared, trafficked, and abused in Mexico’s psychiatric facilities and orphanages

  • Click here to watch ABC Nightline Coverage
  • Click here to read about DRI's investigation in the New York Times

MEXICO CITY, MEXICO – November 30, 2010 – Following a year- long investigation, Disability Rights International (DRI) and the Comisión Méxicana de Defensa y Promoción de

Disability Rights International's "Torture, not Treatment" Op-Ed Published in The Washington Post

October 2, 2010, Washington, DC--
An op-ed authored by Disability Rights International president Laurie Ahern concerning the egregious abuses taking place against children with disabilities at the Judge Rotenberg Center in Massachusetts, was published today in The Washington Post.

Disability Rights International Launches New Name and Website

August 6, 2010 -- Washington, DC-- We are proud to announce our organization’s new name, Disability Rights International. Our mission has not changed. Formerly Mental Disability Rights International, we remain committed to protecting the human rights and promoting the integration into society of people with disabilities. Our new name reflects the reality that people with any kind of disability—whether mental or physical—are often shut away from society, locked in institutions, and denied basic human dignity and rights. 

Disability Rights International Alleges Torture Against Children and Adults with Disabilities in the United States

Washington, DC -- April 29, 2010 -- Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) has found children and adults with disabilities tortured and abused at a “special needs” residential facility in Massachusetts and has filed an “urgent appeal” with the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture to demand the United States government end the torture immediately.