United Nations, 15th session of Conference of State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

Friday, June 17, 2022 10:00-11:15 EST 

Accessibility: CART and Sign Language Interpretation Available
Moderator: Eric Rosenthal, Executive Director, Disability Rights International 

  • Gerard Quinn, UN Special Rapporteur on Disability
  • Halyna Kurylo, Director of Ukraine’s Rapid Response, Disability Rights International 
  • Georgiana Pascu, Senior Program Manager, Center for Legal Resources, Rumania 
  • Mariya Yasenovska, European Disability Forum, Ukraine 
  • Marianna Onufryk, Rodina, NGO, Family for Persons with Disabilities, Ukraine 
  • David Barth, Vice President of International Programs, Save the Children 
  • Alison Barkoff, Administration for Community Living

About this webinar: The panel will be informed by the findings of Disability Rights International’s recent investigations in Ukraine and the report Left Behind in the War: Dangers Facing Children with Disabilities In Ukraine’s Orphanages. 

During times of war and emergency how can children and adults in institutions be protected without reinforcing segregated systems of service?   

What have recent experiences from Ukraine taught us about the challenges of enforcing the right to live in the community for all people with disabilities? 

Panelists will discuss immediate challenges facing humanitarian relief agencies as they respond to children with disabilities in Ukraine’s orphanages or recently evacuated to neighboring countries. 

Humanitarian relief groups and disability activists from Ukraine and Romania will emphasize the importance of supporting disability organizations to implement emergency relief and long-term efforts toward community inclusion. 

Speakers will also address the need to update legal standards for international humanitarian relief in light of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Committee’s General Comment No. 5.
