Safety through Inclusion: The Case for Emergency Deinstitutionalization - webinar series

People with disabilities, international human rights authorities, and activists discuss: Immediate threats to the health and life of children and adults in institutions due to COVID-19; Emergency protections against irreparable harm through international human rights systems; How to protect people with disabilities through community inclusion and emergency deinstitutionalization; The case for an international commission to protect people with disabilities in institutions through inclusion and emergency deinstitutionalization.


Основна констатация на настоящия доклад е фактът, че България е заменила системата си от големи и стари сиропиталища с новопостроени, по-компактни сгради, които продължават да функционират като институции. И макар новите къщички да са официално наречени „от семеен тип“ или „малки групови домове“, то проучването на ИПХУ установи, че те нито са малки, нито носят белезите на семеен дом.

A Dead End for Children – Bulgaria’s Group Homes

The main finding of this report is that Bulgaria has replaced a system of large, old orphanages with newer, smaller buildings that are still operating as institutions. While the new facilities are officially referred to as “family-like” residences or “small group homes,” DRI’s investigation finds that they are neither small nor are they family homes.

Watch video - Webinar on Family and Community Integration of Children under CRPD

On April 30, 2019, the European Network on Independent Living and Disability Rights International held a webinar on ‘Family and Community Integration of Children under the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD): Implications for Group Homes and Residential Care of New Human Rights Standards and Findings from Research’.

From horror to hope….because of you!

Dear Friend of DRI,       

Several years ago, DRI investigated and exposed the horrendous conditions of thousands of poor and disabled children living in institutions in Serbia. So egregious were the abuses, that we called what we had uncovered torture. The United Nations’ top experts agreed with us and DRI led an international campaign to end torture in Serbian orphanages. As a result, Serbia banned new placements in orphanages, supporting families instead.

No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine’s Orphanages

A product of a three-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into the egregious human rights violations perpetrated against nearly 100,000 children – with and without disabilities – who are left to grow up segregated from society in orphanages, psychiatric facilities, residential boarding schools, and other institutions. For children with disabilities, orphanages are a gateway to lifelong institutionalization in abusive adult facilities.