Todavía en peligro

Este informe documenta violaciones a derechos humanos, explotación y trata de niñas, niños y adolescentes con y sin discapacidad en instituciones Guatemala. Guatemala no ha creado las protecciones y el apoyo necesarios para evitar que niñas, niños y adolescentes, especialmente aquellos con discapacidad y viviendo en condiciones de pobreza, terminen en instituciones. A Disability Rights International (DRI) le preocupa que organizaciones privadas y donantes internacionales, en lugar de apoyar a las familias, están apoyando instituciones. El apoyo internacional, incluyendo el "volunturismo,” a instituciones expone a las niñas, niños y adolescentes a segregación, abuso, explotación y trata.

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Dear Friend of DRI, 

I hope this note finds you well. Your support of our work has never been more needed or more appreciated. 

I’d like to share with you the story of the government run Hogar Seguro (Safe Home) orphanage in Guatemala and one of the most gut-wrenching and difficult investigations DRI has ever done. 

Justice for victims of Federico Mora

Washington, DC - September 8, 2017 - After years of monitoring conditions, advocacy, and negotiations, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) has called on the government of Guatemala to take major steps toward the closure of its psychiatric hospital Federico Mora, called one of the most dangerous in the world by the BBC. During a series of meetings with Disability Rights International (DRI) and the Guatemalan government, held this week in Mexico City, the IACHR has called on Guatemala to:

DRI seeks justice for survivors of deadly Guatemala orphanage fire

After the orphanage fire that killed 41 girls in March 2017, the government of Guatemala must locate and identify the survivors and provide the support necessary for all survivors to live with their families or in the community, says the Inter-American Commision on Human Rights this week during a meeting with Disability Rights International.

Victory in Guatemala - right to live in the community

Guatemala City - August 9, 2017 - After years of abuse, violence, and exploitation in orphanages and psychiatric institutions, Guatemala must take urgent action to return children to their families and psychiatric detainees to the community, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights stated in a press statement released this weekend during a visit in Guatemala.

Eric Rosenthal op-ed in the Washington Post

Washington, DC - March 22, 2017 - DRI Executive Director Eric Rosenthal has published an op-ed on the deadly orphanage fire in Guatemala in the Washington Post. Since the tragic fire that left 40 girls dead on March 8, DRI has been working to protect the survivors - many children who survived the fire have been dumped into other institutions around the country. Rosenthal calls on Guatemala to take this opportunity to redirect funding for orphanages to support families instead and finale close orphanages for good.