After the Fire: Survivors of Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción at risk

Between March 7-11, 2017, investigators from Disability Rights International (DRI) visited Guatemala. DRI visited Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción (Hogar Seguro), a public institution where more than 700 children were detained. During the visit DRI interviewed the survivors of a fire that took place on March 7, 2017 and has killed more than three dozen girls (the number has been rising in recent days).

Después del fuego: Sobrevivientes del Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción en riesgo

Entre el 7 y 11 de marzo de 2017, investigadores de Disability Rights International (DRI) viajaron a Guatemala. Durante este viaje visitamos a los sobrevivientes del Hogar Seguro Virgen de la Asunción (Hogar Seguro), una institución pública en Guatemala que albergaba a más de 700 niños y en la cual se produjo el incendio el pasado 8 de marzo que ha cobrado la vida de más de 30 niñas (el número ha seguido aumentando en los últimos días).

No Way Home: The Exploitation and Abuse of Children in Ukraine’s Orphanages

A product of a three-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into the egregious human rights violations perpetrated against nearly 100,000 children – with and without disabilities – who are left to grow up segregated from society in orphanages, psychiatric facilities, residential boarding schools, and other institutions. For children with disabilities, orphanages are a gateway to lifelong institutionalization in abusive adult facilities.

Twice Violated

The present report is based on the results of a year-long study carried out by Disability Rights International (DRI) together with the Women’s Group of the Colectivo Chuhcan –the first organization in Mexico directed by persons with psychosocial disabilities.

Left Behind: The Exclusion of Children and Adults with Disabilities from Reform and Rights Protection in the Republic of Georgia

This report is the product of a 3-year investigation by Disability Rights International (DRI) into the orphanages, adult social care homes and other institutions that house children and adults with disabilities in the Republic of Georgia.

This report documents violations of the human rights of persons with disabilities in the Republic of Georgia under international human rights treaties ratified by Georgia, including the United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rights of the Child, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the UN Convention against Torture, as well as the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which Georgia has signed.