Watch Eric Rosenthal at UN - Protecting Children from Torture

DRI Executive Director Eric Rosenthal participated in an event launching the book Protecting Children against Torture in Detention: Global Solutions for a Global Problem. 

  • Watch the livestream of the event here - Eric begins speaking at the 48:00 minute mark.  

Protecting Children against Torture in Detention: Global Solutions for a Global Problem

Your support is crucial to Disability Rights International

Dear DRI Supporter,

We know you care about children with disabilities and the work of Disability Rights International – and we continue to need your support. There were a total of 60 infants at this Kenyan facility, with only 4 caregivers, barely able to wash, feed and change diapers. No time for play, hugs, kisses or responding to a cry of fear or the need for touch. Even orphanages with the best intentions cannot provide for the needs of infants and toddlers in a large group setting. No matter how clean or humane they might appear, physical and psychological damage will occur.