DRI Ambassador Holly Valance Promotes Worldwide Campaign to End Institutionalization of Children

London - June 26, 2013 - Disability Rights International Ambassador and UK actress Holly Valance, along with her husband Nick Candy and Camilla and Celestine Clauson, also patrons of DRI, accompanied DRI on a recent trip to Eastern Europe to visit institutions and promote the

DRI Perspective, "Segregation and Abuse in Institutions," published in 2013 UNICEF Report

"The detention of children in institutions is a fundamental human rights violation. We can bring it to an end, on a worldwide scale, through a moratorium on new placements." -DRI Perspective in 2013 UNICEF State of the World's Children Report Click here to read DRI's contribution to UNICEF's report.

6 months old, and left to die.

Dear DRI Supporters,

Several weeks ago, I visited a baby house in Eastern Europe. It houses about 130 infants and small children, a third of whom are children with disabilities. Most babies are eventually returned to their birth parents, put into foster care or are adopted. But not the babies with disabilities. They have nowhere to go.