Check out our new Strategic Litigation page!

One of DRI’s main strategic goals is to advance the right of all people with disabilities to live as part of society. While Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities establishes a right to live in the community with choices equal to others, millions of children and adults with disabilities remain detained in orphanages, psychiatric facilities, and other institutions around the world. 

DRI President Laurie Ahern wins Purpose Prize

DRI President Laurie Ahern is the winner of the $100,000 Encore Purpose Prize in recognition of her pioneering work to protect the human rights of children with disabilities detained in institutions. Laurie has been with DRI for over a decade, and has served as DRI's President since 2009. 

Each year, awards the Purpose Prize to six outstanding individuals who are using their encore years - the time of traditional retirement - to undertake significant social impact projects. 

Unlock the Cage - the most vulnerable need your help this holiday season

“I have seen abandoned and abused children in orphanages, state institutions and social care homes all over the world. I’ve seen children in cages in dozens of countries, children with no homes, children tied to beds and cribs for years. Children tortured and left to die.” Don’t children with disabilities around the world deserve as much attention and support? Will you help us help them?