DRI President Laurie Ahern’s Op-Ed featured on the The Huffington Post
Donors Need to Support Vulnerable Families not Rebuild Nepalese Orphanages
Op-Ed by DRI President, Laurie Ahern
Donors Need to Support Vulnerable Families not Rebuild Nepalese Orphanages
Op-Ed by DRI President, Laurie Ahern
Eric Rosenthal, DRI Founder & Executive Director, spoke at the recent webinar, Making the SDGs Work for and with Persons with Disabilities: A UN DESA Global Policy Dialogue on Tuesday, December 17th.
View the event recording here: https://webtv.un.org/en/asset/k15/k15pdgmjgt
Disability Rights International is a human rights organization dedicated to protecting the human rights and promoting the full community integration of persons with disabilities worldwide.
This bill represents everything we’ve been working on for over two decades. All children — especially children with disabilities — need our support to live and grow up in a loving family. And they need protection against being placed in orphanages or other institutions.
— Laurie Ahern, President, Disability Rights International